Sunday, 21 March 2010

I have seedlings! :D

Eight teeny tiny plants popped up this afternoon, and they're growing really quickly. :s I'm a big worried that they'll out-grow their pots within a few days, which means I won't be around to re-pot them. :/

Unsurprisingly, the promised pallets to build the beds never materialised, so next Saturday is visiting B&Q day to buy the wood I need to build the beds. I think I'll have to leave Mum instructions, and get her to send me photos on a daily basis so I can let her know when she needs to re-pot things, and where.

So, the things that have germinated are the Graffiti Cauliflower:

(The white fluff is an annoying mould which is apparently harmless, and the brown powder is cinnamon, which is apparently anti-fungal.)

...which is purple! :D

And the crystal lemon cucumber:


Well, they're not very impressive at the moment, but they'll grow! Hopefully... :o

Tuesday, 16 March 2010


So, today was mostly spend in the garden putting seeds into trays to go into propagators. I made up a mix of compost and topsoil to plant them in, and they're sitting on the various window ledges around the house. :)

Now all I need to do is wait and see what pops up! Hoping that I get at least 50% of them coming through. :)

No sign of anything form the potatoes yet.

Edit: Forgot to list what I'd planted! Crystal Lemon Cucumbers, Summer Ball Squashes, Hawk Butternut Squashes, Graffiti Cauliflowers, two types of sweet pepper, and Moneymaker Aubergines. :)

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Planted potatoes! :D

Hurrah! I have planted potatoes! :)

The beds aren't built yet, so I've bagged them using the bags from the grow-your-own kit they came in (Giftmas present :)).

I should start to see shoots through the top of the soil by the end of the week! :)

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Potatoes! :D

My seeds have arrived! \o/

My seeds have arrived in the post! \o/ :D The onion sets will arrive later in the year, and the potatoes have already sprouted! :o

I went to Homebase earlier and bought 4 bags each of compost and top soil as I need about 9,000 litres of top soil / compost to fill the various beds! >.< Will get the things to start building the beds tomorrow, hopefully; may need to hire a van…

So, the list of things I'm growing:

  • Kale (Redbor)
  • Leek (Musselburgh)
  • Asparagus Pea
  • Calabrese (Romanesco)
  • Pumpkin (We B Little)
  • Cauliflower (Graffiti)
  • Lettuce (Vanoise)
  • Kohl Rabi (Azure Star)
  • Broccoli (Rudolph)
  • Pepper (Mixed)
  • Cucumber (Crystal Lemon)
  • Carrot (Purple Haze - F1)
  • Radicchio (Palla Rossa)
  • Squash (Summer Ball)
  • Radicchio (Trevi)
  • Shallot (Ambition)
  • Chinese Radish (Mantanghong)
  • Beetroot (Mixed)
  • Aubergine (Moneymaker - F1)
  • Carrot (Sugarsnax)
  • Kale (Dwarf Green Curly)
  • Parsnip (White Gem)
  • Pak Choi (Green Revolution - F1)
  • Beetroot (Boltardy)
  • Pepper (Minimix)
  • Chard (Bright Lights)
  • Butternut Squash (Hawk)
  • Potatoes (Foremost, Nadine, Desiree)

I'm really looking forward to seeing what I get out of this, as I'm hoping the answer will be vegetables with flavour!