Thursday, 27 May 2010


Well, after two weeks, the garden centre-bought potatoes look like this:

I'm rather chuffed. :D Yes, I cheated slightly, but they're doing quite well!

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Apparently I'm not giving up after all

So, after a brief period this morning where I contemplated throwing everything on the patio onto a bonfire, I went to Squires and bought some fungicide.

Removed the blighty leaves, and a large amount of the plants below them, then drenched them with mancozeb, so hopefully they'll be OK.

I bought some big pots and a couple of potato plants from Squires, and they're now in my secret anti-blight defence:

Here's to hoping they stay blight-free...

Giving up

Cucumber plants died because I put them out too early.

Cauliflowers died because my idiot mother squashed them because of carelessness.

And now my potatoes have blight.

I give up.