Sunday, 18 April 2010

The bad and the good

Well, unfortunately my crystal lemon cucumber plants died, as did three of the four squashes which were left out in the same set. I've still got four squashes which have been kept in the kitchen, and they're doing quite well—I re-potted them today into medium-sized pots that can go on the kitchen window ledges—and one squash left from the original lot which is looking a little weak and pale, but it seems to still be alive, which is good I s'pose.

Crystal Lemon Cucumbers - 2010-03-29 :)

Crystal Lemon Cucumber - 2010-04-04 :(

So, I thought I'd try to save them with some improvised greenhice…

Squash plant in a coke-bottle greenhouse. - 2010-04-04

…But that didn't really work…

Dead Squash. D: - 2010-04-18

…So, I removed the dead plants and repotted stuff in the soil from the pots. I've planted loads of onion sets (probably a bit close together, but that's not too much of an issue), some curly kale, some asparagus pea plants, and a few calabrese romanesco seeds to see how well they'll do in a trough. I've also re-potted the squashes that were growing indoors as I mentioned above.

I also planted two pots with onions 'cause I have LOADS of them!

LOOOOOOADS of onions! :o

Two extra pots of onions.

Summer ball squashes - top left and top middle, Butternut squash - other two

On the bright side, the potatoes I planted have finally all come through. :D

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Oh, bollocks

I think I killed my cucumbers. :( I left them out for too long, and the leaves are all frostbitten. This is really rather ridiculous. It's April. Why is it still frosty in the mornings? Bloody stupid country.

Also, I really could do with even a little bit of support from my parents. I don't know what stupid, insane impulse made me think I could grow vegetables in this house. Absolutely everything I do, I'm up against resistance from my parents. It's like trying to bring up two teenagers, except those teenagers are 49 and 56, and think they know everything about everything.

I'm actually very close to giving up entirely on these stupid plants.

EDIT: Droopy squash:

Frost-bitten cucumbers:
