Crystal Lemon Cucumbers - 2010-03-29 :)

Crystal Lemon Cucumber - 2010-04-04 :(
So, I thought I'd try to save them with some improvised greenhice…

Squash plant in a coke-bottle greenhouse. - 2010-04-04
…But that didn't really work…

Dead Squash. D: - 2010-04-18
…So, I removed the dead plants and repotted stuff in the soil from the pots. I've planted loads of onion sets (probably a bit close together, but that's not too much of an issue), some curly kale, some asparagus pea plants, and a few calabrese romanesco seeds to see how well they'll do in a trough. I've also re-potted the squashes that were growing indoors as I mentioned above.

I also planted two pots with onions 'cause I have LOADS of them!

LOOOOOOADS of onions! :o

Two extra pots of onions.

Summer ball squashes - top left and top middle, Butternut squash - other two
On the bright side, the potatoes I planted have finally all come through. :D

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